Top 10 Tips to Enjoy Online Tutoring Classes to the Fullest!

Top 10 Tips to Enjoy Online Tutoring Classes to the Fullest!

Have you ever wanted to learn a new subject or master a foreign language? Maybe you are kicking yourself for not taking your French lessons in high school more seriously. Or your job requires you to be fluent in a language in order to progress in your career. Perhaps you are regretting falling asleep during that math class right before the exam…

Thanks to the abundance of online tutoring lessons, you can now learn all you want in an easy and convenient way! You can simply plug in your computer from anywhere in the world and start learning. Pick up those French lessons again, learn how to talk about business in four different languages, and ace that dreaded math exam.

Online learning is changing the way we acquire new skills and see the world. The more you learn, the more opportunities are made available to you! But how can you get started with your online tutoring sessions? And how can you make the most of them?


1. You are in charge!

Online tutoring classes are all about you! You’re in control of your learning journey. Choose the best online tutor for your needs, what you want to learn, and when you want to learn. The flexibility you didn’t have in high school and college is all yours now!


2. How do you learn?

What kind of learner are you? Are you more visual? Do you prefer to have a clear lesson plan set up for you? Do you have a memory that can soak up information like a sponge? Can you handle full hour-long learning sessions, or are bite-sized, quick tutoring services more your style?

It doesn’t matter if you’re studying computer science, foreign languages, or social studies. Ask yourself these important questions before setting out on your best online tutoring adventure.


3. Find an online tutor you connect with

Know what you want from your online tutor and make sure to communicate that. Ask questions, find out what tutoring services they offer. Will they introduce you to topics that interest you? Will you be able to make an inquiry that they can help explain? Are they native speakers of the language they’re teaching? Do they have work experience? Make sure they offer what you need and want. You never know, it could become a match made in heaven!

Teenager having an online tutoring lesson through his computer


4. Set some learning objectives and goals (and achieve them)

You need short- and medium-term goals to make the most of your learning experience. When you have a goal in sight, you are more likely to achieve it. If something drags on for too long, you may feel like you are not getting anywhere. So, have an end goal, move towards it, and then set another one after that. Remember, in order to keep learning, you need to keep growing and keep moving forward.


5. Take notes during your online lessons

If you would take notes during in-person tutoring classes, you should do the same with online tutoring classes. Whether you are learning English, Spanish, Mathematics, or Biology, it’s always good to take notes as your tutor explains things to you — and to review them afterward!

This will help evaluate your learning objectives and goals throughout the course and enable you to ask questions during your next tutoring session.


6. Set up a study plan

You have your objectives and goals, you have found the online tutor of your dreams, and you are officially an online student – Bravo! Now, you need to have a plan in place that works for you and will keep you motivated on your online learning journey.

Can you dedicate 2 hours a week to learning online? How about 10 hours to really start using the language you have chosen to learn? Whatever you need and want from the online tutoring — set it up. See it, feel it and do it. When a clear study plan is in front of you, you are more likely to get online and make the most of the tutoring services offered. A clear vision leads to great things.


A planner is open on a table ready to have a schedule of online tutoring classes and study plan written


7. Dedicate a space for your online studying

You may not physically be in a classroom, which may affect the way you tackle your online tutoring lessons. But that doesn’t mean you can’t create your own little learning space!

Set aside a space just for you where you can have all the materials you will need for the lessons. Put up a calendar with your study plan, a white board on a wall to take notes, and invest in a desk or a comfy chair.

Whatever you do, make the space work for you. When you dedicate a place for your learning, your mind will automatically shift into study mode. This way, you will make the most out of your online lesson and tutor!


8. Your online tutor is your guide

Remember you are in charge of your learning process. Your online tutor is there to help you reach your study goals, but they’re not there to do everything for you. Their job is to assist with your learning. At the end of the day, you are the leader and the tutor is simply your guide. They will help you through whatever you need help on, but you must lead the way.


9. Enjoy your online learning experience!

You may feel like you are alone in your studies, but you are not! There are lots of other students who are learning online too. The virtual classroom is in, so enjoy all it has to offer. A flexible schedule to match your hours, a study space you can make your own, and plenty of resources that are literally a click away. So sit back, plug in and really make the most of your online learning experience.


10. Reward yourself

Yes, you have learning goals and objectives to achieve. But it’s important to have fun doing it. So, with your online tutor, set a little goal for each lesson or week and once you achieve it, reward yourself. Learning a language or mastering a school subject isn’t easy, so having something to look forward to after each class will keep you motivated and dedicated.

It could be something as simple as having a slice of cake once you manage to have a conversation for two minutes in the foreign language you’re learning. Or watching an episode of your favorite series when you get through an hour of tutoring. Whatever it is, create a reward system for yourself — it will make the learning experience that much sweeter…


Online learning has made achieving new skills and gaining more knowledge accessible. Through our online tutoring center, we can help turn your dream of mastering a specific subject a reality. You can find a tutor perfect for you now and start learning with LearnEasy24. But remember, how effective your learning experience is depends on how much work you put into it!